FOI release

Tewkesbury BC Planning Application reference 22/01320/OUT

Case reference EIR2024/00202

Received 5 June 2024

Published 6 September 2024


I hope all is well. I am looking at this planning application for 120 units. The WSP (on behalf of NH) report attached refers to a file note produced by PFA which includes trip rates and modelling information, however there is no PFA note on TBC's website and Tewkesbury BC have confirmed they do not have it. NH's planning response was based on this note, and therefore legally it should be in the public domain. Can we please obtain a copy of it?


I can confirm that we hold the information you have requested.

Please find attached a PDF titled 'H689-FN05 Response to NHPR - FULL REPORT_Redacted'

Personal information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


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