FOI release

Budget/expenditure on verge maintenance 2019/20 to 2023/24 and forecast budget for 24/25

Case reference FOI2024/00915

Received 28 August 2024

Published 4 December 2024


Please provide details of the budget/expenditure on verge maintenance for highway safety reasons on the English trunk road network, including motorways, during the financial years 2019/20 to 2023/24 inclusive (and forecast budget for 24/25), along with details of the length(s) of network the figures relate to.

Specifically what I’m wanting to find out about is the budget used to trim trees, bushes, general vegetation – that get in the way of signage. So whichever activities they fall under.


Due to the various operational contracts the National Highways regions work under, the verge maintenance activities forms part of the wider cyclical/maintenance activities which is covered by the lump sum payment the service provider receives under the contract, and verge maintenance activities are not disaggregated from that lump sum within our accounts


Previous years budgets:

2024/25 = £246.7m*

2023/24 = £253.9m

2022/23 = £239.0m

2021/22 = £242.6m

2020/21 = £251.8m


*This figure is a forecast only and subject to change


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