FOI release

Membury Services WB to Ramsbury Road Traffic flow data

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/01867

Received 31 December 2024

Published 10 February 2025


Could you please tell me how many vehicles on average use this road on a daily basis and if National Highways have any plans to reinstall the gates.


Unfortunately we are unable to help you since this information is not held by National Highways.

We have no record of any traffic counter or gate on the stretch of access road that sits outside the westbound Membury Motorway Service Area (MSA) site on the part of the access road that runs from Ramsbury Road through the industrial area to the tree line at the southern end of the MSA.

We hold the freehold for the land on which the whole MSA site and its access road stands. However the services, parking and roads within the MSA tree-lined boundary are privately owned and operated by Welcome Break.

As Welcome Break are also responsible for the section of the access road within the MSA boundary (the section between the car park and the southern tree line) reinstating of any previous gate would be a decision for them.

Advice and Assistance

Welcome Break can be contacted through an online customer services webform at: Alternatively, the MSA Days Inn hotel can be contacted by telephone on 01488 72336.


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