FOI release

Pollution tunnel trials

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/01019

Received 9 September 2024

Published 25 September 2024


Please can you provide any reports and outcomes since the Simister pollution tunnel trialing was implemented


Information not held

I have established that the information you have requested is not held by National Highways. It therefore falls under Regulation 12(4)(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


Advice and Assistance 

We have no records of implementing a pollution tunnel at this location.

 In 2014 the Highways Agency constructed two air quality barriers near junction 18 of the M62, near Simister, Greater Manchester. The work was part of research into effective means of improving air quality. One of the barriers was removed after 12 months and the other after 18 months.

You are welcome to make a new request for any reports and outcomes regarding the air quality barriers.

 Alternatively, if you are able to provide any more details about a pollution tunnel at Simister that would enable us to locate the information you have requested, then we can undertake another search for it. 


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