Freedom of information (FOI) releases from National Highways

This is a disclosure log of National Highways' responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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37 disclosures

  1. Hello I submitted a request with your ref: EIR2024/00621 Your reply was that you couldn't find details of the meeting i was enquiring about.

    It came from a west of england (WECA) meeting

    Page 41 this paragraph Key Risks 60. The key risks impacting this project largely relate to dependencies, in particular the proposed Eastville Viaduct renewal scheme due to commence in 2026 promoted by NH. We continue to work alongside NH to understand each project’s programmes, risks and identify opportunities, through regular NH meetings and attendance at the NH monthly viaduct update meeting.

    Published: 17 September 2024

  2. Request made under the Freedom of Information Act 200 and/or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 To National Highways, In 1975 the National Trust (NT) took possession of the Wickham Manor and Mill Farm estate in Winchelsea, East Sussex.

    To directly quote Hansard, "The Government and the National Trust have agreed as a condition of transfer that the entire property transferred to the Trust should be left alienable for the time being, on the understanding that the land not required for the proposed new road will in due course be declared inalienable and preserved for public enjoyment" (Hansard, 30th July 1974).

    At some point in the 1970's or early 1980's part of the now National Trust estate was compulsorily purchased and used for a new section of the A259 in Winchelsea at Ferry Hill and Tanyard's Lane.

    Do National Highways currently own and are responsible for the land beside, above and overlooking the A259 at the Ferry Hill and Tanyard's Lane sections of the A259 at Winchelsea?

    Published: 16 September 2024

  3. According to this press release by the Stonehenge Alliance, the UK government has somehow persuaded the Kenyan Government to intervene to prevent the placing of Europe's foremost prehistoric site on the endangered list. The text of the Kenyan amendment cannot plausibly have been its own. Please provide a list of all correspondence between the UK government or National Highways and any office of the Kenyan government, relating to this amendment? Please state whether National Highways or any other part of the Department of Transport lobbied any office of the Kenyan government to put forward such an amendment. Please state whether any writing of the Kenyan amendment was provided by or suggested by any official within the Department of Transport, National Highways or any other department of the UK government. Please state the nature and terms of any agreement with any office of the Kenyan government related to this matter.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  4. I would be grateful if you could provide me with details of the inspection/survey schedule for the road bridge on the A303 that crosses the River Till in Winterbourne Stoke. Please can you tell me the date the last inspection of this bridge took place and the condition of the road deck and the supporting concrete and structural steel reinforcement (added following the construction of the bridge in 1939) at that time? Does the reinforcement still have structural integrity with the original structure and what evidence exists to support this? Can you confirm when the next structural inspection will take place?

    Published: 10 September 2024

  5. In your 2023-2024 Annual Report, it was reported that three "Special payments" totalling £1.16 million had been made for the A66 Northern Trans Pennine road schemes (estimated outturn cost of £1.5 billion, with a Benefit Cost Ratio of only 0.92). "There were three special payments with a value greater than £300,000, which totalled £1.16 million. These all related to the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine scheme" 1. Please confirm that these "special payments" are not included in the costs for the A66 schemes 2. If the "special payments" are not included in the A66 project costs, please also provide an explanation of why they are not included in the project costs. 3. Please also provide a detailed breakdown of what these payments were for and how they related to the A66 project.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  6. To whom it may concern. I have noticed now for a number of years now. That there is an unnecessary amount of night time lighting at the shap interchang highways depot. Bearing in mind that budgets for motorway maintenance is tight. I consider it totally unreasonable, for the amount of energy being wasted, which could be far better spent on maintaining motorway surfaces. Particularly the dire state of the surface on the bridge over the M6 at junction 39. It has been like this for a number of years and continually gets "bodged"occasionaly. I appeciate some of your staff members may be frightening of the dark, but I think to have every light burning in the yard, every night is unnecessary. From over a mile away it resembles a scene from the film close encounters of the third kind, and competes with blackpool illuminations. This is Particularly wasteful of tax payers money, and bad for the environment in general, and causes unnecessary light pollution. If it is a case of staff working at night, or operating the gritting centre , obviously that would be different. I also realise that for security reasons some lighting may need to remain on. But not every light. It would be interesting under a FOI request, to know what the annual electricity bill is for this particular highways depot.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  7. Please provide the company name responsible for cleaning the litter on the M40 North of J15 to the M42? Please provide your contract with this company in respect of cleaning responsibilities.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  8. Please supply me with the latest Appraisal Summary Table (AST) which was part of the Full Business Case for: 1) A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet 2) M54 to M6 Link Road I am not requesting the Full Business Case, but just a small part of it. It is not a complex request to ask National Highways to extract the AST from the Full Business Case. The AST is a short 1-2 side document, and earlier versions are usually placed in the public domain on the National Highways website and in DCO applications. It is in the public interest for these documents to be publicly available, and it is a requirement of National Highways' Licence to be transparent . I am making this request under the EIRs. Please do not use delaying tactics by pretending this is "complex" request when it is not.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  9. Could I please request all copies of the inspection reports and maintenance records (for the last 5 years) for the Parapet on the M62 Eastbound, located between marker post 63/3 and 63/5.

    Published: 10 September 2024

  10. Dear Sir or Madam, I am requesting information as part of Freedom of Information regarding statistics on roadkill within the North Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland areas. Please could you provide data on roadkill for the following: - Breakdown by animal type (e.g. deer, badger, fox, pheasant, hedgehog, pets) - Breakdown by roads maintained and monitored by Highways England in the North Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland areas (e.g. A19, A1058, A1, A167, A189, A191) - Data for the time period of 2022-2023 - Data for the time period of 2023-2024 (if available).

    Published: 10 September 2024