Freedom of information (FOI) releases from National Highways

This is a disclosure log of National Highways' responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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37 disclosures

  1. I have seen and heard your ad "Darren - what-a-man - don't hog the middle lane and keep your distance" on radio and TV. I would like to know how much money has been/ is planned to be spent on this awareness campaign. I haven't, however, come across any ads highlighting the dangers of close passing cyclists and making unsafe overtakes rather than wait seconds. Could you please let me know how much money has been/ is planned to be spent on cyclist-close-pass campaigns? If you could please provide figures per year.

    Published: 20 June 2024

  2. I would also like make a request obtain all information, correspondence, notes, emails, WhatsApp, etc regarding consideration and consultation you may have had with SWTRA, Local Authorities, commercial haulage companies, Severnside Businesses, Members of Parliament and the Department of Transport and user groups. Please be advised you have 20 working days to respond to this Freedom of Information Request.

    Published: 12 June 2024

  3. Can you please tell me how many fines were issued for HGV drivers not adhering to the rules when Operation Brock is enforced when HGVs are legally required to use the signed routes for journeys to Port of Dover and Eurotunnel. Could you give me the number of individual fines issued for - the calendar year 2021 from when the fines were introduced and the total in £s for those fines. - The calendar year 2022 and the total in £s for those fines - The calendar year 2023 and the total in £s for those fines - The calendar year 2024 until the date of this FOI request and the total in £s for those fines

    Published: 12 June 2024

  4. Under the Freedom of Information Act Regulations, I would like to request the following information regarding potholes on the A1M near Durham: 1) How many potholes were recorded for that area for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023? 2) What was the average time taken to fix these potholes for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023? 3) How many accidents or incidents of vehicle damage were reported due to potholes in that area for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023? 4) What is the amount of money spent by the Highways Agency on fixing potholes for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023? 5) What is the total amount of money paid out in compensation by the Highways Agency due to potholes for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023? 6) What was the budget to repair potholes for this stretch of the A1M for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023? 7) Finally, how many reports of potholes on this stretch of the A1 have been received this year? Clarification received 08 May 2024 The area I'd like the information for is for the A1M Northbound from a point 1 mile south of the Durham junction (A690) to a point level with the junction itself.

    Published: 7 June 2024

  5. Please tell me the cost of the LITTLE CHANGES / CHANGE EVERYTHING advert?

    Published: 7 June 2024

  6. Following the information supplied in FOI 10206 I have the following questions: 1. Please confirm reference your answer at point 2 that the illumination sensor which determines if the illumination of the camera sign is switched on is related to light levels only and not visibility. 2. Do you have any studies relating light levels to visibility? 3. Please confirm if the case/not the case that the intensity of illumination of the variable speed sign can be adjusted by a sensor which measures light conditions. 4. Do the variable speed signs and camera sign illuminations have separate light. sensorsare they connected by some integrated system. 5. Who do you recognise as the regulator for your camera operated speeding systems?

    Published: 7 June 2024

  7. In 2021, National Highways responded to a request for information on the number of vehicle breakdowns on England's motorways and A-roads (FOI/2516) I would like to request updated statistics on vehicle breakdowns on England's motorways and A-roads Under the Freedom of Information Act. Please could you provide data on the points listed below for each of the following calendar years: 2021, 2022 and 2023 : - The number of breakdowns per year, per month, per day - Which months have the most breakdowns reported - Which day in the week do most breakdowns occur - Geographical locations of breakdowns - Which roads do the most breakdowns occur on Please provide the information in an Excel spreadsheet (or similar format), broken down by month (or year if month is not possible). If you require any further clarification or have any other questions, please let me know.

    Published: 5 June 2024