Freedom of information (FOI) releases from National Highways

This is a disclosure log of National Highways' responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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37 disclosures

  1. Request for records between National Highways and the group known as "Save Towcester Now" (including their representatives) which relate to the development of land to the east of the A5 and north of the Bell Plantation Garden Centre, Towcester ("the site"). The site comprises the northern and eastern sections of land allocated within the South Northamptonshire Local Plan (Part 2) under reference AL1. The site is subject to a hybrid planning application (Reference: WNS/2021/1819/EIA) which was submitted by DHL Real Estate Solutions. The records should comprise all correspondence from Save Towcester Now to National Highways (and vice versa), including emails and attachments, letters, drafts and minutes/notes of meetings.

    Published: 9 September 2024

  2. I would be most grateful if you could send me, under the Freedom of Information rules, the following information: Biodiversity Net Gain project costings for the A12 widening scheme in Essex. Number of units purchased and at what average cost Number of acres of land purchased by National Grid for BNG

    Published: 6 September 2024

  3. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I am seeking information regarding surplus land held by National Highways. Please provide the following details in form of an excel spreadsheet document: 1. A list of all surplus land currently held by National Highways, including location, size, and current use status. 2. Any valuations or assessments conducted on these surplus lands. 3. Future plans or proposals for the disposal, sale, or development of the surplus land. 4. Any internal reports or communications regarding the management of surplus land.

    Published: 6 September 2024

  4. I hope all is well. I am looking at this planning application for 120 units. The WSP (on behalf of NH) report attached refers to a file note produced by PFA which includes trip rates and modelling information, however there is no PFA note on TBC's website and Tewkesbury BC have confirmed they do not have it. NH's planning response was based on this note, and therefore legally it should be in the public domain. Can we please obtain a copy of it?

    Published: 6 September 2024

  5. I was again restricted to 60mph westbound on the M4 on Saturday 4 May 2024 @10:30 With the political statement “Speed Limit for air quality” I expect speed restrictions for safety reasons not arbitrary political dogma. I do not want the response you gave last year when you miscalculated the delay your signage caused. By not answering a question I asked but answering a question you chose to give a misleading shorter period of delay. I am not interested even if you get the calculation correct, this delay when multiplied by every journey on this Motorway is exacerbating the cost of living crisis. As I stated previously stated there is no incentive to go Electric as your “smart” signage is dumb with no differentiation for polluting vehicle. The effect of arbitrary restriction is against my human rights. I wish to challenge your right to impose it. Under the freedom of information I would like you to confirm to me: Who approved this restriction, was it: An apparatchik in the highways Agency based on their own personal politics? A direction by a political organisation and if so who: the local council or the mayor of London or Department for transport? Please state the scientific level of air quality at which this restriction is applied? How many days in 2024 this restriction was actioned?

    Published: 6 September 2024

  6. Question 1 I would like to know the total cost of the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down project to date, or to the most recent date up to which this information is available. Question 2 (a) and (b) I would like to know how much cost has been incurred by National Highways due to the action pursued by Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site / Stonehenge Alliance, including (a) the cost of legal fees through the court challenges to date, or to the most recent date up to which this information is available; and (b) the cost of delays to the project resulting from the legal action to date, or to the most recent date up to which this information is available. Question 3 What is the cost to date of the contract with Wessex Archaeology for work on the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down project since 2023 in preparation for the main site works, which has been unable to start due to project delays? I am aware of FOI 4910 submitted on 5 Feb 2023, in response to which National Highways gave total costs to Dec 2022 of £135,904,672, with legal fees since Nov 2020 of £669,288 and procurement and letting contracts costs of £4,570,534.

    Published: 6 September 2024

  7. Having read about the axing of the Stone Henge road tunnel project today - I am horrified to see that £166m of tax payer's money has been spent on the planning process and I request that a breakdown of these costs is issued for us to see how this was spent. The planning process is crippling the industry and I want to understand more.

    Published: 28 August 2024

  8. Statistics of vehicle breakdowns on UK motorways and A-roads: - Number of breakdowns per year, per month, per day - Which months have the most breakdowns reported - Which day in the week do most breakdowns occur - Geographical locations of breakdowns - Which roads do the most breakdowns occur on - The underlying reason for the breakdown (i.e. Tyre related, mechanical, etc..)

    Published: 27 August 2024

  9. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from National Highways. Please can you provide me with:

    * How many Dart Charge accounts are marked as ‘dormant’ solely due to inactivity as of 5 April 2024?

    * How many accounts marked as dormant held credit as of 5 April 2024?

    * How much credit in total is left in dormant accounts as of 5 April 2024?

    * What was the average monetary value of the credit held in dormant accounts as of 5 April 2024?

    * How many people requested to close an account between 6 April 2023 and 5 April 2024?

    * How many people were you unable to refund after their account was closed? E.g. because their financial details weren’t up to date.

    Published: 19 August 2024

  10. In relation to tenders ORT0115 - Signs and Signals (AMI and VMS) Modernisation & Refresh, ORT0116 - Signals (MS1) Modernisation & Refresh and ORT0115 - Signs and Signals (AMI and VMS) Modernisation & Refresh can you please provide the following information. Which Organisations tendered for the works? How did each of the tenderers score? What was the proposed scope of works? What were the KPI's? What are the delivery milestones? What is the current anticipated end date? How much has been paid to date? What are the latest performance indicators results? Who is responsible for the contract (outside of procurement)? Anticipated spend profile.

    Published: 12 August 2024