FOI release

Points raised at STN and NH meeting 24 July 2024

Case reference EIR2024/00992

Received 5 September 2024

Published 10 September 2024


On 24th July 2024 representatives of the campaign group Save Towcester Now met with a number of National Highways employees to discuss planning application ref WNS/2021/1819/EIA a proposed development in the Towcester area by DHL. Please supply all communications: email, minutes, virtual meeting records, etc that National Highways employees and representatives exchanged with DHL and/or their consultants, SAJ Transport Consultants regarding the points raised in the meeting of the 24th.


Information provided

Please see our response to EIR2024/00731 which is available on our Disclosure Log and the 3 attached PDF's titled:

· RE WNS20211819EIA DHL AL1 Towcester JN2138_Redacted

· FW WNS20211819EIA DHL AL1 Towcester JN2138_Redacted

· STN Response 05.09.24

Personal information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Advice and Assistance

Please note that the request for the document 'STN Response 05.09.24' was handled under normal business practices and not in accordance with the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004. This is because it is information that we make available to the public on a regular basis.


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