FOI release

M6 Noise

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/00724

Received 29 July 2024

Published 10 September 2024


We could have a conversation but I’m not sure what would be achieved, would it somehow get me some nights of good solid sleep back? Probably not. Other than some platitudes and perhaps an attempt to convince me I’m just being unreasonable, what did you have in mind for such a conversation? I am an armed forces veteran, what effect do you think being abruptly woken by sudden loud bangs in the middle of the night has on war veterans like myself? The bottom line is that your CDM (2015) duty holders have made a deliberate decision to break noise nuisance laws. That is resignation territory. They are liable, and their line managers (and perhaps ultimately even transport ministers) are vicariously liable. Although normal operational traffic noise of a motor way is exempt from noise nuisance laws, construction and maintenance work clearly is not exempt in any way, shape or form. National Highways is not above the law. There should have been no nuisance noise generated from your works between 2300 - 0700 hours at all; Unless you applied for dispensation with the local authority, but they don’t seem to be able to confirm that? As an FOI it would be nice to find out the names of your CDM duty holders and see copies of your RAMS. Also what noise readings did you take during this work? What records have made of the noise, and what mitigations did you put in place to prevent noise from disturbing nearby residents?


Information withheld

As an FOI it would be nice to find out the names of your CDM duty holders

This information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 because it is personal information.

Information provided

and see copies of your RAMS

Please see the 7 temporary barrier installation RAMS which can be downloaded from this link EIR2024 00724. They are titled:

· VGR02559 - Lift Plan SJ21 LBZ Redacted

· VGR02559 - Operational Support RAMS Redacted

· VGR02559 - COSHH Site Redacted

· VGR02559 - REBLOC RB80 RAMS Redacted

· VGR02559 - Lift Plan Asset Baumann GX60 Classic Sideloader Redacted

· VGR02559 - Zoneguard RAMS Redacted

· VGR02559 - Vecustop (P70 2.13) RAMS Redacted

Personal information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Also what noise readings did you take during this work?

and what mitigations did you put in place to prevent noise from disturbing nearby residents?

No noise readings were taken during this work and no mitigations were put in place.

This was a transient operation carried out on a rural section of motorway and taking noise readings was deemed unnecessary.

Information not held

What records have made of the noise

I can confirm that National Highways does not hold this information, and as such this part of your request has been refused under Regulation 12(4)(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 as information not held.

Advice and Assistance

We do not hold any noise records because we did not take any noise readings during this work.

Although you have not requested this information and it is outside the scope of your request, we thought you mind find these 2 PDFs helpful. They can be downloaded from this link EIR2024 00724 and are titled:

· 2022.10 HAV's Noise Data-Iss 4 (002)_Redacted

· Noise outputs for the works

The first PDF shows vibration and noise readings from the tools and equipment used in the assembly of the temporary barrier.

The second PDF shows noise readings taken at the work face where the site operatives were working, during the same work on the M6 but at a different site to the work carried out between junctions 43 and 44.


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