FOI release

Inspection Reports and Maintenance Records for Parapet on M62 East Bound

Case reference EIR2024/00204

Received 5 June 2024

Published 10 September 2024


Could I please request all copies of the inspection reports and maintenance records (for the last 5 years) for the Parapet on the M62 Eastbound, located between marker post 63/3 and 63/5.


Please find attached 2 Inspection Reports titled:

· Inspection Report - 2024-06-20T113251.784 2023 GI_Redacted

· Inspection Report - 2024-06-20T113303.449 2021 PI _Redacted

And 1 maintenance report titled:

· M62 eastbound 63.3 and 63_Redacted

Personal information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Please note that information that is not within the scope of your request i.e. not about the Eastbound parapet, has also been redacted.


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