FOI release

Records between National Highways and Save Towcester Now

Case reference EIR2024/00731

Received 5 August 2024

Published 9 September 2024


Request for records between National Highways and the group known as "Save Towcester Now" (including their representatives) which relate to the development of land to the east of the A5 and north of the Bell Plantation Garden Centre, Towcester ("the site"). The site comprises the northern and eastern sections of land allocated within the South Northamptonshire Local Plan (Part 2) under reference AL1. The site is subject to a hybrid planning application (Reference: WNS/2021/1819/EIA) which was submitted by DHL Real Estate Solutions. The records should comprise all correspondence from Save Towcester Now to National Highways (and vice versa), including emails and attachments, letters, drafts and minutes/notes of meetings.


Please see the 14 PDF documents that can be downloaded from this link EIR2024 00731

Some personal information has been withheld under Regulation 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


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