FOI release

Operation Brock fines

Case reference FOI2024/00228

Received 7 June 2024

Published 12 June 2024


Can you please tell me how many fines were issued for HGV drivers not adhering to the rules when Operation Brock is enforced when HGVs are legally required to use the signed routes for journeys to Port of Dover and Eurotunnel. Could you give me the number of individual fines issued for - the calendar year 2021 from when the fines were introduced and the total in £s for those fines. - The calendar year 2022 and the total in £s for those fines - The calendar year 2023 and the total in £s for those fines - The calendar year 2024 until the date of this FOI request and the total in £s for those fines


Information not held

National Highways are not an enforcement agency and therefore does not hold this information. Therefore, these questions would need to be directed to the DVSA or Kent Police. Advice and Assistance


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