FOI release

Structural Integrity of the Bridge on the A303 at Winterbourne Stoke

Case reference EIR2024/00812

Received 14 August 2024

Published 10 September 2024

Last amended 10 October 2024


I would be grateful if you could provide me with details of the inspection/survey schedule for the road bridge on the A303 that crosses the River Till in Winterbourne Stoke.

Please can you tell me the date the last inspection of this bridge took place and the condition of the road deck and the supporting concrete and structural steel reinforcement (added following the construction of the bridge in 1939) at that time?

Does the reinforcement still have structural integrity with the original structure and what evidence exists to support this?

Can you confirm when the next structural inspection will take place?


Information provided


I would be grateful if you could provide me with details of the inspection/survey schedule for the road bridge on the A303 that crosses the River Till in Winterbourne Stoke.


Visual inspections, referred to as general inspections (GI) are scheduled every 2 tax years (6 April to 5 April of the following year).  Tactile close-up inspections, referred to as principal inspections (PI) are undertaken every 6 tax years.


·         PI 24/25

·         GI 26/27

·         GI 28/29

·         PI 30/31 etc.


Please can you tell me the date the last inspection of this bridge took place and the condition of the road deck and the supporting concrete and structural steel reinforcement (added following the construction of the bridge in 1939) at that time?


 A visual inspections was undertaken in July 2022. The condition was recorded as ‘good’.


Does the reinforcement still have structural integrity with the original structure and what evidence exists to support this?


Our records show that the original structure (masonry arch) was fully demolished at the time of the rebuild in 1939. Therefore, there are no areas where the original and rebuilt reinforced concrete structure are structurally integrated.


Can you confirm when the next structural inspection will take place?


A tactile close-up inspection (PI) is due to take place between 6 October 2024 and 5 January 2025, quarter 3 of the 2024/2025 tax year.


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