FOI release

A breakdown of the £166m spent on planning fees for the Stone Henge road tunnel

Case reference FOI2024/00674

Received 29 July 2024

Published 28 August 2024


Having read about the axing of the Stone Henge road tunnel project today - I am horrified to see that £166m of tax payer's money has been spent on the planning process and I request that a breakdown of these costs is issued for us to see how this was spent. The planning process is crippling the industry and I want to understand more.


Our Response:

Stage 1 – historical review of previous schemes, options identification, initial ecological and topographical surveys, ground investigation, liaison with stakeholders, public consultation and preferred route selection - £13,961,610.57 

Stage 2 – preliminary scheme design, consultation with stakeholders and the public, ecological and topographical surveys, ground investigation, archaeological survey and evaluation, utility liaison - £33,665,750.29

statutory powers and processes: development and submission of planning documentation; engagement with planning and legal processes - £27,664,383.47

development of construction documentation, contract procurement - £37,017,120.52

Stage 3 – advanced site works: ground investigation; ecological and topographical surveys; ongoing archaeological evaluation; utility liaison, surveys, new supplies and diversion works; discharge of planning requirements - £52,457,822.59

Stage 4 – land costs, liaison with landowners, compensation for survey works - £1,463,890.72


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