FOI release

M32 viaduct meetings

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/00905

Received 27 August 2024

Published 17 September 2024


Hello I submitted a request with your ref: EIR2024/00621 Your reply was that you couldn't find details of the meeting i was enquiring about.

It came from a west of england (WECA) meeting

Page 41 this paragraph Key Risks 60. The key risks impacting this project largely relate to dependencies, in particular the proposed Eastville Viaduct renewal scheme due to commence in 2026 promoted by NH. We continue to work alongside NH to understand each project’s programmes, risks and identify opportunities, through regular NH meetings and attendance at the NH monthly viaduct update meeting.


Information not held


I have established that the information you have requested is not held by National Highways. It therefore falls under Regulation 12(4)(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004



Advice and Assistance 


The meetings are not recorded, and notes are not taken. They are an informal update on progress between the project teams.

The M32 Sustainable Transport Corridor and Hub (STC) project has been restarted with a new scope. The M32 renewal scheme is in the early stages of development and is currently expected to commence in late 2026/early 2027.


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