FOI release

Biodiversity Net Gain for the A12 widening scheme (23047843)

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/00122

Received 21 May 2024

Published 6 September 2024


I would be most grateful if you could send me, under the Freedom of Information rules, the following information: Biodiversity Net Gain project costings for the A12 widening scheme in Essex. Number of units purchased and at what average cost Number of acres of land purchased by National Grid for BNG


I can confirm that National Highways does not hold the information that you have requested, and as such your request has been refused under Regulation 12(4)(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 as information not held.


Advice and Assistance 

The scheme has purchased no biodiversity units, nor has it purchased any land solely for the purposes of BNG. Full justification for all the land purchased for the scheme is contained within the Statement of Reasons, published on the Planning inspectorate website:


TR010060-002869-National Highways - Other- Updated Annex A - Statement of Reasons (clean).pdf (

The BNG Report does not monetarise for planting but the total net % change is as follows:

•         Habitat units- +25.01%

•         Hedgerow units- +36.06%

•         River & stream units- +156.73%


We believe the information you have requested regarding the number of acres of land purchased by National Grid for BNG may be held by National Grid. If you have not already done so you may wish to contact them and make a request for the information under the Environmental Information Regulations.


Please note that because National Grid are not a public authority they are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act however  they are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations.


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